Wednesday, March 19, 2014

EVOLUTION Blog 4: Weblab Natural Selection

In the weblab, I changed certain traits and the environment, which would affect the population and the development of the animal. In the butterfly experiment, I changed the color of the butterflies and the amount of predators, but no matter what the colorful butterfly would prevail. This was because, even though they were eaten more, the colorfulness allowed them to reproduce faster than the mortality rate. In the finch experiment, it showed how the finches adapted to their surroundings by changing the size of their beaks. The amount of precipitation changed the size of seeds, which were the finch's food source, so in turn, the finches beaks developed accordingly. In the last experiment, it showed how human interaction with other animal population can affect the traits of that population. Introducing cats to mice brought the mice population down, so when cats were cut off, the population increased. When the cats were reintroduced, only brown mice thrived because they camouflaged with the brown barn, but when the barn was repainted yellow, the yellow mice population rose. 

I enjoyed this weblab and it was easy to follow. I'd give it 5 stars :) 

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