Wednesday, April 9, 2014

EVOLUTION Blog 11: Weblab Phylogenetics

In this weblab, we explored the history of some animals and what common ancestors they had. We learned how to use cladograms and find out what relations certain organisms have with other ones. We also learned that lineages all lead back to one common ancestor. There were five different files that explained each process step by step.

This was very good and easy to follow, but it was really long. I guess it was good and informative, but it was kind of boring, that's why i gave it only 4 stars.

EVOLUTION Blog 10: Weblab Bio in Motion

In this weblab, we saw how natural selection and survival of the fittest led to evolution, and how certain traits would prevail over others. We could see how evolution was a slow and gradual change and how mutations could be either good or bad. Good mutations could lead to other advantages that helped that organism develop step by step. For example, longer arms meant it was easier to grab food, so it developed from 2 segments to 3. Then having even longer ares let it fly and run away from predators, so it evolved from 3 segments to 4.

I really liked this, because it was clear and to the point, and there was a demonstration to further explain evolution.

EVOLUTION Blog 8: The Future is Wild

In the future, the global warming will make the Earth a hard place to live. It will become too hot so most of the mammals die out, leaving fishes in the ocean and insects on land. The Earth will become home to insects. This new species of skyhoppers evolves from grasshoppers. Because of too much heat, the grasses the grasshoppers eat die, and they develop their wings, claws, and teeth to be able to eat other insects. They are able to fly around, which make it easier to catch their prey, and the claws and teeth help to catch and eat.