Saturday, February 22, 2014

Blog 9: Letter to the Editor on Bioenineering

Dear Mr. Editor,
I believe that bio engineering is useful and a necessary technique. It can be used in ways to research human diseases, produce enriched foods, and improve animal health. It can make plants more insect-resistant, yielding more crops and more taste. It can also make animals more disease resistant. All these things benefit life and so there is no reason to be against bio engineering.
Shoha Tsuchida

Blog 8: Letter to Mendel

Dear Gregor Mendel,
Your genetic discoveries of factors and P1 and F1 can be explained through the structure of DNA and how genetic traits are passed down. DNA is in the form of a double helix and has counterparts that correspond exactly with it's partner, so when it is duplicates, the replica will be the exact same. From there, each half of the DNA gets passed on to the next generation. That is why when the parent generation (P1) have offsprings, the next generation (F1) will have a blend of each parents traits.
Your friend,

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Blog 6: Dominant and Recessive Alleles

Dominant alleles are "dominant" meaning that it's characteristics would appear in some form no matter what. Recessive alleles are not dominant, so if paired up with the dominant, it's traits would not show, but if it is paired up with itself, only it's characteristics would show. The dominant traits are the ones that are most common, like brown eyes and straight hair. Green and blue eyes are recessive.

Blog 5: If animals were capable of regeneration like a planarian, how do you think it would affect the ecosystem?

If animals were able to regenerate, it would significantly affect the ecosystem. It would be much harder for animals to go extinct because their chances of life would increase by a lot. It is hard to say whether it would be helpful or dangerous to the ecosystem, but it would definitely change it. There would be a lot more animals alive for sure.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Blog 7: Genetically Linked Diseases

In my family, we have a genetic disorder where most of us have high blood pressure or hyper tension. It is caused by genetic variations. It has been evident in my family for the last three generations, and we can easily get headaches, blurred vision, and nosebleeds.